Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I believe in fate...

I've recently been pondering the idea of a post regarding change and fate and all of that gobbledy gook, and today I randomly stumbled across this quote on a new blog I discovered, which you can link to here.

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. - Nelson Mandela

I could not agree more--I was just discussing this very concept with my boss today, surprisingly. In the short time I've lived in Canada, I really feel as though my eyes have opened up so much wider to see the world. I've met people from so many different countries and circumstances, and I learn something new from someone each and every day. When I go back to my hometown (which is my ultimate comfort zone), I really notice the changes in myself, and so far, I feel as though all of the changes have been good. It's amazing to me, really, that so many of my views have changed, and I like it!

So it was no concidence that I had that conversation today, and then later came across the italicized quote above. Everything happens for a reason. I firmly believe that. I've been through some stuff in my life that hasn't been so pleasant, but I have no regrets about any of it and wouldn't change a thing so far. I had to go through the tough stuff to get to the good stuff. I've been at "the crossroads" many times before and have had to make a decision.....the decision may have been a difficult one--but it has gotten me to where I am today, and I've learned and grown from it. I think about the different people who have come and gone in my life. I may not be in communication with some of them anymore, but each and every person has had some effect on me and I have learned a lesson from each of them, some more difficult than others. They were brought into my life for a reason, and for that, I am forever grateful and thankful. The path that I am on right now is the path that I am meant to be on, and the thing I try to remember when I'm frustrated or unhappy with something I'm dealing with is that "He wouldn't bring you to it if He couldn't get you through it." I try to have faith and trust that every choice I make will lead to something bigger and better in the long run, and I am a much happier person for it. So that's my sappy, insightful thought of the day. Ponder it.