Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Testing, 1, 2, 3

For those of you who know me well, you know that I'm a major technology geek, especially when it comes to the internet. Since I've been jobless for over a month--UGH--I've had a lot of time on my hands, and I've rediscovered the world of internet blogging. I figured that since Gary and I are about to embark on a new and major adventure, blogging would be a good way to keep everyone that we'll be further away from up-to-date on anything new and exciting that's going on with us. So, since I'm online quite a lot, I would anticipate that I'll be updating quite a bit, and hopefully this will help us to stay in touch with everyone. Sounds like a good idea, eh? (Look at me, using Canadian lingo already!) So this is my first post. A trial run, if you will. Enjoy, I hope there will be more to come.