Monday, January 19, 2009

Isn't it ironic.....?

That Martin Luther King, Jr. Day falls on the eve of the inauguration of our first black president? Ok, so I bashed the whole inauguration process yesterday because I think it's way too extravagant, but if all of that is set aside and you really stop and think about what is going to happen tomorrow at's kind of amazing. In a way, it represents pretty much everything that MLK stood for, and I can only imagine the pride and excitement he would have felt if he were alive to see what will happen tomorrow.....will you be watching?

This picture was done by a street artist named Shepard Fairey. It is going on display in the Smithsonian Portrait Gallery this week. I think it's a very relevant picture to post today.

Happy MLK Day, everyone.

PS: If you get a chance, you really should check out Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport. It is a picture biography (illustrated by Bryan Collier, who is AMAZING--the picture above is the front cover---just a picture, no words) of MLK and was great when I read it to my third grade class in my former teaching life. It won many awards, and rightfully so. It tells his story well and in a way that people of all ages can understand. It highlights the "I Have a Dream" speech, as well as other memorable quotes, and sends out a great message about MLK's legacy. READ IT! :)