Wednesday, October 15, 2008


After my last post, I read over this thing and realized how much I suck at posting regularly and following up on stuff that I mention once and then never re-visit. Sorry. I'll try and get better. Wait, does it really matter? Does anyone read this anyway?? Oh well......

I mentioned in the blog a month or so back that Gary and I visited the Toronto Zoo. We took one rare Saturday morning that we stayed in the GTA to drive down to Scarborough to check it out. The line to get in was pretty long, even though it was pretty overcast and cloudy for most of the day. The admission fee for adults is 20 bucks, and when I saw that, I couldn't believe how expensive that was. But once we were in the zoo and saw its huge size and all of the animals and all of the improvements they were making to the facility (including a new polar bear habitat!) I guess that justified the cost quite a bit for me. And you know what? We were there for five hours, so I guess it was 40 bucks well-spent. It's a beautiful zoo, the animals were really active, and I could have stayed there even longer just watching them. I love the zoo. If anyone ever wants to come up and go with us, I'm game! It's open year-round, too! I had TONS of fun taking pictures, I took probably 400 overall, and even though the weather didn't give me ideal lighting, I think I got some really great shots. (Photoshop is a big help, too, don't get me wrong.) Here are some of the highlights.

I've decided that when Gary and I win the lottery, I'm going to get a big expensive camera and hang out at zoos and parks all the time to take pictures. I love doing it.