Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Blue Jays and Parents and Concerts, oh my!

A few weekends ago, my parents decided on the spur of the moment to come up and visit, and it was wonderful!! We love having visitors, and since the weather was so nice, we really got a chance to go out and explore Toronto a little bit.

Friday night, we went to a really awesome market called Pusateri's, which is close to the city. They have pretty much anything you could ever want, all the way up to Beluga caviar, Kobe beef, and a rare coffee that sells for $480 CDN dollars a pound....YIKES! They have the freshest produce and the best meat....here are the steaks we picked up! Enormous, and soooo tasty.

On Saturday, we got up and ventured downtown for the Blue Jays/Tigers game at Rogers Centre. The weather was perfect, and we got the cheap seats in the upper bowl, which were awesome! The dome was open since it was such a beautiful day and we could see the CN Tower from our seats. It was a good game, too, Jays won.....too bad I missed Frank Thomas in a Jays uniform by one day.

After the game, we explored downtown, had a beer in a cute little Irish pub, then took the subway back home. It was a great day! We walked up to Queen's Park and OF COURSE I took lots of pictures!

My parents left Sunday morning, and then on Sunday night, Gary and I went back downtown for the Sara Bareilles/Raining Jane/Rachel Yamagata concert. Sara's voice is so pure and amazing....she even made me cry on one song because it was so pretty. Raining Jane is a great band too...they have a unique sound, and their percussionist plays an instrument I've never seen before. It looks like a speaker, but it sounds like a drum when she hits it. Also, their bassist played a sitar, which was really cool because I've never seen that live before. A great concert overall.......here's some pics. We were very close to the stage!

Raining Jane
Mona, the crazy percussionist

Rachel Yamagata

Sara Bareilles

The following weekend, I got us tickets to the Jason Mraz/Makepeace Brothers/Bushwalla concert downtown at Kool Haus. This show was more like a circus than a concert, complete with a magician that was the "host" between acts. It was different, but good, and Bushwalla ended up in a unitard, so what else could we ask for?

The Makepeace Brothers

Bushwalla, a man of many talents
And yes, he stripped down to this.

Mr. A to Z

Life's been exciting lately...and getting even more so since the wedding is less than six weeks away...........more to come soon!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring is here!!

Hello all!

Sorry I've been so lackadaisical about posting on here. Things have been pretty busy with us going back and forth between here and the U.S., working, wedding planning, and having some time to ourselves. There's lots to talk about, I suppose, but we've been doing a lot of the "norm," so I'll make it simple. We've seen a lot of concerts lately, and we've got two more coming up in the next two weekends---Sara Bareilles and Jason Mraz, and I am SO excited about both. I'll put pictures up as soon as I get them. In the meantime, here are pics from our other concerts:

Matthew Perryman Jones

David Ford
Ingrid Michaelson = AMAZING!
Alanis Morrissette (this was during the "My Humps" cover)

Matchbox Twenty
We've been slowly getting ready for the wedding as well. About a month ago we went down to Indiana and got the menu squared away, met with the pastor, and I had my first dress fitting. It's crazy to me that it's only two months until the big day! Gary and I have also been trying to plan the honeymoon. We're going to Italy with a 7 hour layover in Amsterdam on the way. I'm really excited to go to Europe for the first time---everyone I've talked to says that I'm gonna love it!

We were down in Michigan last weekend to pick up Gary's wedding ring, and we stayed with Ben and Theresa and the twins. I got some really cute pictures of the boys. It's amazing to go and visit and see how much they're learning and growing in such a short time. Their new favorite pasttimes are watching birds, playing outside, and talking non-stop! They can even say "Aunt Erin" now! :)



The snow is finally gone, and the grass is getting green! We're really excited for the nice weather so that we can start exploring the area a bit more. We still have to visit Niagara Falls, and there are a few parks and hiking trails that I'd really like to go to as well. Of course, we've still got an extra bedroom for anyone who's ready to come and visit! Hope to see some of you soon!