Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's been a long time......


I have been majorly slacking at updating this blog.....a lot has happened since I was last on here! Some life-changing events have occurred, well, only one, I guess, but it's a biggie! Gary and I got married, as most of you probably know. Two days after the wedding, we drove back to Toronto and embarked on our 10-day honeymoon to Italy, which was absolutely fabulous--I couldn't have asked for a more amazing time with the love of my life in one of the most romantic countries in the world. We did so many things and saw so many unforgettable sights...it was just great. We actually kept a journal (you know, on paper, like the days before the invention of blogging) on an almost daily basis to remember what we liked and didn't like, what we ate, where we went, and just any little tidbits that anyone we know might need if they ever travel to Italy. I received the journal as a wedding gift from a co-worker. She had kept a journal on a family trip through Europe about 20 years ago and just came across it recently and she said it brought back a lot of awesome memories. I think it will be something that will be really special to us in the years to come, and we can show it to our children and grandchildren. I'm not going to post any wedding or honeymoon pictures on here because there are websites that house them all, so here are the addresses if you haven't seen them already:

http://www.lucasmcdonough.smugmug.com/ (Our photographer's site-go to Day/Ruppert Wedding link)

www.public.fotki.com/garinruppert (Honeymoon photos mostly, but I want to update the account and start keeping all of my pictures on there, it's a great site because you can order high quality prints directly from them for cheap!)

http://www.danhester.fotki.com/ (go to Day/Ruppert wedding folder, the password is Erin)

So there you go. Probably more pictures of us than you'd ever want to see, but you only get married once, and being that I'm a huge shutterbug, I took as many pictures and had as many pictures taken of us as possible!
Since then, not too much has gone on. We went to a first birthday party for our nephew in Ohio and got a real genuine Ruppert family picture (a rarity with seven kids in the family ages 6 and under, let me tell you..) Here it is....

Pretty good, only one kid isn't looking!!

We made a trip to Lake Wawasee and went to a wedding one weekend, and we also headed up to the cabin in Northern Michigan one weekend, which was great because the deer were out like crazy! I'm forecasting a great hunting season!!! Bring on the wall mounts and deer jerky!

Look closely, antlers are sprouting!

Oh, and there were these bear tracks, too.....we could definitely use a bearskin rug!

Two weekends ago, the Parents Ruppert came up to visit us for the first time....we visited the Cathedral in Markham and the CN Tower......it was lots of fun! There they are at lunch in the 360 restaurant at the top of the tower, it is always rotating, so that was an interesting meal.

We took them to Cathedraltown as well, here it is at sunset.

We had the company picnic last weekend and our first Rock Band party too (which by the way, if you've never attended one, is a riot. There's nothing better than adults who can't carry a tune attempting to sing, play drums, and play guitar---all while enjoying alcoholic beverages.)

Our picnic had a pirate theme, hence these two photos:

My fabulous co-workers and me at the registration table.... Gary at Simeon Lake, which is part of the private Magna park where the picnic was.Emma & me with our first raw oysters during the Rock Band party at the Sims residence...FUN! Mat, Gary and Emma rocking out at Rock Band....Emma even has the poses down.
This coming weekend, our buddy Matt is coming up for the weekend and we're gonna get good wings and see a Kid Rock/Lynyrd Skynyrd concert!! More to come!!!